Free template to download for a minizine
6 blank boxes on one sheet of A4. Students fold this into a simple booklet and then fill in the theory from the topic
Nice back-to-school activity
Ideal for a reminder of lessons just before a holiday
Great for retrieval
Could work as an extended starter
Works with any topic
Great for revision or extension
Idea: Paper plate revision starter
Pack of paper plates £1 for 100 in some stores
Hand out and ask students to divide them into segments
They can then practice concise writing in the segments or give examples
You can colour code RAG rate topics as well
You ca also do two pens, the first colour they know, the second they had to look up
Use a WAGOLL so they know what to aim for
This example was a year 12 group revision

Free: True or false worksheet
Nice quick starter, read the statements and tick of they are true or false
This is just a template for you to add your statements
For a stretch and challenge activity ask students to write their own statements and then swap with a partner to see if they get them right.
FREE: Revision Memory Exercise / Game

Free download (no email required)
Revision Memory Exercise activity to run in class. Show list one for 2 minutes, they write down what they can remember
Show list two in story format, they write down what they can remember. Discussion if their score has improved.
Further discussion of how this method can be used to help them revise for exams
FREE: Definitions spreadsheet activity for Edexcel A Level Business

Edexcel A Level Business revision
Divide up between your groups, students have to get the correct definitions for the letters they have been assigned​
Build into a complete set for the whole class
Use Google 'Define:blah' to find definitions or trawl past paper mark schemes
No there is no answer sheet (yet!)
Perfect activity to set if your student's targets after mocks are to improve their definitions
Can be set as homework task
FREE: Thinking matrix activity for Edexcel A Level Business

Edexcel A Level Business revision
Also known as thinking quilts
Students look at the terms and phrases and decide to which category or topic they belong
They colour in the corner of the cell if they think it belongs to that topic
Give Theme 1 and Theme 4 and challenge them to make themes 2 and 3 which they can share round the group
Perfect for students that need to learn key terms
Shows how topics are interconnected and leads to a discussion of bringing multiple theories into longer essay questions

Free: Chains of reason worksheet
This is a chains of reason activity for 3 mark questions
​You can cut these up and get pairs to identify the two chains or ask students to write out their version of a 3 mark answer
​This one is for customer service but is intended as a template or idea
Quick to write a bank of these from the mark schemes of past papers.
​Example includes answer
FREE: Red Amber Green (RAG) rate revision topics

Perfect if your students need to revise for a test
Students fill in the topics in the wheel
They then use red amber and green (RAG) to highlight the circle up to a line
You can see at a glance any topics that need revising
You can also see who needs help and support (lots of red)
Students use the numbers as a guide to how much they don't know a topic e.g. 5 Red means does not know at all 3 red means knows something but needs to revise (and so on)
FREE: PEPSI challenge PowerPoint and worksheet

Ideal for branding or marketing
You need 3 bottles of cola and paper cups (these were from the Range)
Students watch PowerPoint and work through the worksheet with you
Includes a quick silent starter where students draw a Coke and a Pepsi logo
Perfect for taster days or open evenings or end-of-term activities

Free: Tiered words worksheet
Simple activity challenge students to think of words in 3 tiers. You can name these as a group (Bronze silver gold etc.)
Improves use of vocab in essays
Can be used as a retrieval exercise
Helps to encourage students to reread their notes
Good to feedback as a class and share suggestions afterwards
Can be live marked
Rewards can be given for best tier 3 words

Free: Topic review sheets
Students work back through notes / text book, or whole class with you
Could also be given as homework
Review the key theory, cases and vocab for that unit
I made the template on Canva - it comes as a PDF so it's just here for inspiration.
Idea adapted from a History starter
version to download is just the 1.1 for the Edexcel A level

FREE: Crack the code worksheet
Thank you to Helena @LCBusinessJC for this idea please follow her on Twitter
Students have to fill in the blanks with keywords from the unit
Perfect for retrieval
One A4 page could be projected and students just write down the answers
The template is editable so you can add in a school logo or numbering
Challenge students to do each letter in a different colour
Includes answers on 2nd page
Nice pairs activity