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Police line do not cross - a new approach to improving the context marks in business essays
I was marking some lower sixth essays this week and wondering if there is a new way to approach the old dilemma of how to persuade...

Who lives in a house like this? – Lesson idea for introducing market segmentation. (GCSE Business)['
Guest blogger Steph Walker gives her unique spin on the classic segmentation lesson. If you are looking for some fresh ideas you are in...

Improving application (context) marks in business essays
I was reading the BBC News site this week, trawling for interesting articles that might work as back to school / welcome back project for...

Business speakers
Business speakers bring the subject alive Over the years of teaching I have been lucky enough to host a wide variety of business...

Raising the profile of studying business through trips
I was sat in a HODs (Head of Department) meeting this week at school and the discussion topic was – “Raising the profile of your...

Ideas for business classroom displays
So this week I am thinking about classroom displays. Facebook has thrown lots of American Primary school displays on my feed and I am...

Teamwork ideas for business lessons
I have been thinking about teamwork ideas this week. Here are a few suggestions if you are looking to freshen things up with your...

Back to basics in business lessons
So GCSE groups are now counting down the weeks until their study leave, L6 are gearing up for mocks and L6 are two months away from their...

Putting the wow factor into business A Level taster lessons
This week I had to give some taster lessons to students who don’t currently take business but might be interested in studying it. I had...

Production method - Biscuit icing business lesson idea
Introduction: Lots of business teachers and students have been asking (via Twitter)Â how the job / batch / flow biscuit lesson runs so...

Crafty ways to improve your business exam grade, written by an examiner
I have just signed for another year as a business examiner and I am also currently marking a large batch of mock exams from the school I...

10 tips to achieve better business revision
Take study breaks Have a box or basket filled with small treats that you like (e.g. funsize chocolates etc.) and have it to hand. Use...
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